Angel — Fred's relationship with Angel was an interesting one: when Angel saved
her from Pylea he "vamped out" but rather than his face changing like usual, the demon inside of him came out completely.
After killing a dozen guards it tried to kill Gun and Wesley- until Fred, her right hand soaked in blood, lured the demon
back to her cave. Fred cared for Angel as he recovered. When Angel brought Fred back to LA, he took her in and was the only
member of the Fang Gang that didn't seem unnerved by her state of mind. Fred cared for his son Connor (she was the only other
member of the FG who was present at his birth), both when he was a baby and when he reappeared as a teen, until he betrayed
Angel- then she tortured him. When Fred was being killed by Illyria, Angel was going to kill millions to save her (the plan didn't work). And ultimately,
as Angel's soul had been ripped out of his body to make way for the demon, her soul had been ripped from her body to make
way for Illyria. Though their relationship wasn't romantic, Fred did kiss him once to fool
passerbys into thinking they were just a random couple. When she asked if he thought they bought it, he replied "I did".
Gunn — The two fall in love and start a relationship that lasts for about a year
before they break up after Gunn kills one of Fred's old college professors. It is implied that feelings continue to linger
Spike — While technically not a romantic relationship per se, Spike initially
flirts with Fred after he materializes at Wolfram & Hart, and his feelings later evolve into affection and esteem. Fred
is the first person in Los Angeles to believe that he is "worth
saving" and she works tirelessly to find a way to recorporealize him (while denying being taken in by his charm, saying that
she simply wants to use Wolfram & Hart's resources for the good that Angel promised). When fighting the demented ghost
Matthias Pavayne, Spike sacrifices a chance at becoming corporeal to save Fred's life, and he later chooses to remain at Wolfram
& Hart after she is killed by Illyria's usurping of her body.
Knox — Fred's assistant in Wolfram & Hart; the two date briefly, but Fred
leaves because she wants someone who makes her laugh. Knox apparently has a bizarre obsession with Fred, thus his actions
to her vis-à-vis Illyria.
Wyndam-Pryce — Fred and Wesley date shortly after a long build-up, a relationship that
might have lasted indefinitely but for her death and possession by Illyria. It seems that
Fred's feelings for Wesley never fully developed to love, though he confessed he'd loved her since he'd met her.