Sunny — A runaway teenager addicted to drugs, the
first female Connor had ever met since being taken to Quor-Toth and with whom he shared his first kiss after protecting her
from a drug dealer named Tyke.
Chase — Connor developed an affection for Cordelia when they lived together after
Cordelia returned from the higher planes with total amnesia. After she regained her memories, a possessed Cordelia seduced
Connor, and the pair became the 'parents' of the being known as Jasmine.
Lehane — Connor was instantly attracted by Faith's toughness and fighting skills.
Tracy - During the episode Home, Connor's dad made reference
to a woman named Tracy and asked if they were going to the same college, suggesting the two were romantically involved. One
of his siblings commented (by way of an insult) that she was a vegan.
Illyria — When the two met, Illyria sensed that Connor was lusting after her, prompting Connor to claim he'd always
had a thing for older women.