Trivia-The Show Angel

Alexis Denisof
Allen Francis Doyle
Amy Acker
Angel Investigations-Charles
Angel Investigations-Wesley
Angel vs. Angelus
Charisma Carpenter
Charles Gunn
Christian Kane
Connor Angel
Cordelia Chase
David Boreanaz
Gina Torres
Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn
Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn
Harmony Kendall
J. August Richards
Julie Benz
Juliet Landau
Krevlornswath "Lorne" of the Deathwok Clan
Lilah Morgan
Lindsey McDonald
Personal Quotes-Alexis Denisof
Personal Quotes-Amy Acker
Personal Quotes-Charisma Carpenter
Personal Quotes-David Boreanaz
Personal Quotes-Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn
Personal Quotes-J. August Richards
Personal Quotes-Julie Benz
Personal Quotes-Vincent Kartheiser
Powers and Abilities-Charles
Powers and Abilities-Conner
Powers and Abilities-Cordelia
Powers and Abilities-Darla
Powers and Abilities-Drusilla
Powers and Abilities-Fred
Powers and Abilities-Harmony
Powers and Abilities-Lindsey
Powers and Abilities-Lorne
Powers and Abilities-Spike
Powers and Abilities- Wesley
Romantic Interests-Angel
Romantic Interests-Charles
Romantic Interests-Conner
Romantic Interests-Cordelia
Romantic Interests-Darla
Romantic Interests-Eve
Romantic Interests-Drusilla
Romantic Interests-Fred
Romantic Interests-Harmony
Romantic Interests-Lilah
Romantic Interests-Lorne
Romantic Interests-Spike
Romantic Interests-Wesley
Sarah Thompson
Stephanie Romanov
Story of the Agency
Trivia-Alexis Denisof
Trivia-Amy Acker
Trivia-Charisma Carpenter
Trivia-Christian Kane
Trivia-David Boreanaz
Trivia-Gina Torres
Trivia-Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn
Trivia-J. August Richards
Trivia-Julie Benz
Trivia-Juliet Landau
Trivia-Lindsey McDonald
Trivia-Sarah Thompson
Trivia-Stephanie Romanov
Trivia-The Show Angel
Trivia-Vincent Kartheiser
Vincent Kartheiser
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Winifred "Fred" Burkle
Wolfram & Hart-Charles
Wolfram & Hart-Wesley


Angel was supposed to be a one-time character until David Boreanaz was found.


Boreanaz said that when he auditioned for the role of Angel, the role was described to him: "He may get hit, but he'll always come back. He has the grace and movements of a boxer, and he's mysterious".


In the Angel season three episode "Carpe Noctem", in which Angel was victim of a bodyswitch with an old man seeking younger bodies, he was played by Rance Howard.


Angel was born in Ireland, and in flashbacks his Irish accent is extremely strong. This accent disappears in the episodes set in this time, as one would expect, he having not been in Ireland for decades. However, it has been noticed that often when he says "Spike", the Irish accent comes back, turning it into "Spoike". It is unknown whether this is accidental or cunning acting.


Angel has a tattoo on his shoulder-blade of a griffin from The Book of Kells, with the addition of the letter 'A' beneath it. It is interesting to note that for the letter 'A' to represent Angelus, he had to have gotten the tatoo after becoming a Vampire. It's location on his back unfortunately means he has never actually seen it.


The first time it was planned that Angel would lose his soul, Joss Whedon was doubtful of David Boreanaz being capable of portraying the cruelty of Angelus. Joss changed his mind after he saw David performing Angelus and said that he never saw anyone creeping him out like that.


Also, Angel seems to be a "Fanilow" (a fan of Barry Manilow), particularly loving the song "Mandy". As he quotes, "I think it's kinda pretty". During his mental battle with Angelus, his demon stated that he particularly hated Angel's visits to Manilow's concerts. He also stated in Season 5 that he enjoyed William the Bloody's poetry, to which Spike retorts, "You like Barry Manilow."


Angel has appeared in by far the most episodes in Buffyverse, for a total of 166 episodes. Buffy and Willow are next, with 146 and 147 episodes respectively. He has also appeared in the most seasons of Buffyverse (all seasons of Buffy and Angel except for Buffy season 6) for a total of 11. He is also the only actor to appear in the premieres and finales of both Buffy and Angel.


Angel is a fan of ice hockey (he watches the game in "Life of the Party") and he hoped Connor would grow up playing ice hockey, one of the reasons being that it is a sport where most games are played indoors, and at night (allowing for vampires to spectate).

According to Cordelia Chase, Angel has a "thing" for petite blondes. She most likely drew this conclusion from his romantic relationships with Buffy Summers and Darla.


Angel makes something very clear: "There are three things I don't do: tan, date, and sing in public" (although he has broken all of those rules on occasion, such as when he sang in Caritas and later dated Nina. In season 1 Angel received the Ring of Amara which allowed Angel to go to the beach during the day, and in the entirety of season 5, Angel had access to necro-tempered glass).


The poet Baudelaire supposedly wrote the poem Le Vampyre about Angelus ("She")


Angel's turned into Angelus 4 times: First when he was sired by Darla, then when he made love to Buffy, then when he was fed a 'happy pill' [the effects wore off], and finally when the gang decided having his soul extracted was the only way to get information.

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