Powers and Abilities-Darla

Alexis Denisof
Allen Francis Doyle
Amy Acker
Angel Investigations-Charles
Angel Investigations-Wesley
Angel vs. Angelus
Charisma Carpenter
Charles Gunn
Christian Kane
Connor Angel
Cordelia Chase
David Boreanaz
Gina Torres
Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn
Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn
Harmony Kendall
J. August Richards
Julie Benz
Juliet Landau
Krevlornswath "Lorne" of the Deathwok Clan
Lilah Morgan
Lindsey McDonald
Personal Quotes-Alexis Denisof
Personal Quotes-Amy Acker
Personal Quotes-Charisma Carpenter
Personal Quotes-David Boreanaz
Personal Quotes-Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn
Personal Quotes-J. August Richards
Personal Quotes-Julie Benz
Personal Quotes-Vincent Kartheiser
Powers and Abilities-Charles
Powers and Abilities-Conner
Powers and Abilities-Cordelia
Powers and Abilities-Darla
Powers and Abilities-Drusilla
Powers and Abilities-Fred
Powers and Abilities-Harmony
Powers and Abilities-Lindsey
Powers and Abilities-Lorne
Powers and Abilities-Spike
Powers and Abilities- Wesley
Romantic Interests-Angel
Romantic Interests-Charles
Romantic Interests-Conner
Romantic Interests-Cordelia
Romantic Interests-Darla
Romantic Interests-Eve
Romantic Interests-Drusilla
Romantic Interests-Fred
Romantic Interests-Harmony
Romantic Interests-Lilah
Romantic Interests-Lorne
Romantic Interests-Spike
Romantic Interests-Wesley
Sarah Thompson
Stephanie Romanov
Story of the Agency
Trivia-Alexis Denisof
Trivia-Amy Acker
Trivia-Charisma Carpenter
Trivia-Christian Kane
Trivia-David Boreanaz
Trivia-Gina Torres
Trivia-Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn
Trivia-J. August Richards
Trivia-Julie Benz
Trivia-Juliet Landau
Trivia-Lindsey McDonald
Trivia-Sarah Thompson
Trivia-Stephanie Romanov
Trivia-The Show Angel
Trivia-Vincent Kartheiser
Vincent Kartheiser
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Winifred "Fred" Burkle
Wolfram & Hart-Charles
Wolfram & Hart-Wesley


Darla had the standard powers and vulnerabilities of a Buffyverse vampire, with a greater lust for blood and destruction than most. She was eternally young, regenerated damage, drained human blood to survive, and was stronger than most vampires. Darla was vulnerable to holy items and sunlight, and could be killed by decapitation and a stake to the heart. She could not enter the home of a living human without first being invited by someone who lives there.


Psychologically, Darla acted in a self-responsible and conscious way. She generally did not blame others for who or what she was or for her actions; most evidence suggests that she was who she was entirely due to her own choice.


As a side note, Darla was also capable of sensing the presence of a soul in others, as she did when Angelus was cursed for the first time. This could be incidental with the fact that she sired him and was extremely close to him or it could be an ability that all vampires possess (it is often mentioned that they can sense who is human and who is a vampire, so perhaps this is one way by which they know).


Darla often used her beauty and sexuality to lure unsuspecting prey. Unlike her more aggressive male counterparts (Angelus and Spike), she is rarely seen "hunting"; her prey willingly approached her, never suspecting their fate until it was too late.

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