Powers and Abilities-Lorne

Alexis Denisof
Allen Francis Doyle
Amy Acker
Angel Investigations-Charles
Angel Investigations-Wesley
Angel vs. Angelus
Charisma Carpenter
Charles Gunn
Christian Kane
Connor Angel
Cordelia Chase
David Boreanaz
Gina Torres
Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn
Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn
Harmony Kendall
J. August Richards
Julie Benz
Juliet Landau
Krevlornswath "Lorne" of the Deathwok Clan
Lilah Morgan
Lindsey McDonald
Personal Quotes-Alexis Denisof
Personal Quotes-Amy Acker
Personal Quotes-Charisma Carpenter
Personal Quotes-David Boreanaz
Personal Quotes-Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn
Personal Quotes-J. August Richards
Personal Quotes-Julie Benz
Personal Quotes-Vincent Kartheiser
Powers and Abilities-Charles
Powers and Abilities-Conner
Powers and Abilities-Cordelia
Powers and Abilities-Darla
Powers and Abilities-Drusilla
Powers and Abilities-Fred
Powers and Abilities-Harmony
Powers and Abilities-Lindsey
Powers and Abilities-Lorne
Powers and Abilities-Spike
Powers and Abilities- Wesley
Romantic Interests-Angel
Romantic Interests-Charles
Romantic Interests-Conner
Romantic Interests-Cordelia
Romantic Interests-Darla
Romantic Interests-Eve
Romantic Interests-Drusilla
Romantic Interests-Fred
Romantic Interests-Harmony
Romantic Interests-Lilah
Romantic Interests-Lorne
Romantic Interests-Spike
Romantic Interests-Wesley
Sarah Thompson
Stephanie Romanov
Story of the Agency
Trivia-Alexis Denisof
Trivia-Amy Acker
Trivia-Charisma Carpenter
Trivia-Christian Kane
Trivia-David Boreanaz
Trivia-Gina Torres
Trivia-Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn
Trivia-J. August Richards
Trivia-Julie Benz
Trivia-Juliet Landau
Trivia-Lindsey McDonald
Trivia-Sarah Thompson
Trivia-Stephanie Romanov
Trivia-The Show Angel
Trivia-Vincent Kartheiser
Vincent Kartheiser
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Winifred "Fred" Burkle
Wolfram & Hart-Charles
Wolfram & Hart-Wesley


Lorne can read people's auras, and their futures, while they are singing. He uses this power to set them on their path in life. Lorne can also read their thoughts and emotions when he does this. He has excellent hearing, and can hear outside the normal human range. Lorne seems to be immune to the intoxicating effects of normal alcohol, but is affected by certain magical brews. He can also generate tones painful to human hearing, and at the right frequency to cause light bulbs to shatter and spark. Unique to his clan is the ability to survive the complete removal of his limbs and even beheading, unless his body is mutilated after the fact. Less noteworthy is his absolute love for the Sea breeze cocktail.


In the episode "Life of the Party," Lorne's lack of sleep causes his subconscious to use his powers differently. Instead of "reading destinies," he "creates destinies," granting him a sort of mind control/suggestion power. He inadvertently transforms Spike into a super-positive person, makes Wesley and Fred behave drunk, Gunn urinate all over the Wolfram & Hart building (he had told Gunn to "stake out his territory," and Gunn responded by marking his territory in a manner similar to animals), and influences Angel to have sex with Eve. His subconscious, unable to cope with the conflicts Lorne usually handled in his sleep, then manifests as an astral projection which possessed super-strength, resembling a Hulked-out version of Lorne. These powers were lost when Lorne's ability to sleep returns to him.

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