Angel — The only vampire Darla ever sired, she was, in her own soulless way, in love
with Angelus. She was regarded by Angel as his "obsession," and even with a soul, knowing what she was and what she had done,
he was still attracted to her in some way. Even during Darla's brief moments of humanity, when she was resurrected as a human
and was pregnant with a miracle child, the two retained a close bond, with Angel risking his life to give her a second chance.
Immortal and Drusilla— When Angelus and Spike were tied up, the Immortal had his way with Darla and Drusilla simultaneously (something that, incidentally, they had never
allowed Angelus or Spike to do).
McDonald— Whilst she was human the second time around, Darla and Lindsey developed
an affection for each other, although it was clear that his feelings were deeper than hers. The two never went anywhere romantically,
despite the palpable sexual tension. Once she was remade as a vampire, Darla exploited Lindsey's feelings for her to get him
to shelter and feed her while she was weak, and to provide cover for her for Wolfram & Hart. Any feelings she had for
Lindsey were apparently extinguised upon her re-siring, but he retained his affection for her for quite a while afterwards.